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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Literacy Issues Related to Nutrition

            On the topic of literacy, there are hundreds of thousands of people who immigrate to the United States and do not know how to put together a single sentence in the English language. Although nutrition is probably one of the last things on their minds, there exists an additional hurdle that they have to overcome in order to make wise decisions while they are shopping for their food. For instance, they are not able to read nutrition facts and other labels on packaged foods. This makes them unconscious of what kinds of ingredients are in foods and of what they are putting in their bodies.
            This group of people is at a major disadvantage when it comes to the act of eating nutritiously, and an initiative should be taken by the government to facilitate their opportunities in making healthy choices. This will not only promote equality but also help in the advancements of nutrition within the United States.
            Some ways in which the government could facilitate a healthy grocery shopping experience for immigrant’s are by providing nutritional facts and other food labels in several languages, by having a computer system that is able to scan any food product in the grocery store and give the nutritional facts in other languages besides English, or by providing more nutrition education classes to these underprivileged groups of people.
Can you think of other ways in which the government could help these groups of people make healthier choices in grocery stores?

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