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Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Problem of Obesity

Obesity has become one of the major nutrition problems in our present society. This is probably due to the many changes that have occurred within the American culture. Most of our food is now very highly processed and contains a large amount of saturated fats, sugar, and sodium. Additionally, people spend much less time in the kitchen preparing their meals and much more time at unhealthy fast foods restaurants. Physical activity has also declined with more people relying on cars for transportation and technology to complete simple tasks that were once done by hand.
            The reversal of these conditions will not be effortless. The public will need to be inclined to make changes towards a healthier lifestyle, nutrition professionals will need to find ways to persuade the public and politicians to reach certain nutritional goals, and politicians will need to permit the adoption and implementation of nutrition policies that will be in favor of the public’s well being. With everyone having the same mindset, it will allow for much advancement related to nutrition.
However, this is very unrealistic and dreamlike. There will never be a point in which these three groups of people are all thinking alike. However, gradual changes are possible, starting with the population who presently has the desire to change. If you think you are one of these people, even if you are not obese or even overweight, start making some moves to become a better you, health wise. 


  1. In a way I could agree with you in saying that technology has made people more obese. No more getting up to change the TV channel, turning the air conditioner or fan off or on, or even getting off a comfy cozy spot to see what the weather is because now, people have devices to do these "tasks" for them. Although, it all comes down to the person themselves. They are given the choice to become obese.

  2. I think that a large part of this problem stems from our preoccupation with - or even the necessity of - being busy. We work too much and don't have time to cook; we work too much and lose time for exercise. Some people have no choice but to work long hours, but sadly it takes a toll on our overall health.

  3. I think a lot of obesity issues have to do with how people think about food. It seems to me like people that eat too much food have a love/hate relationship with it, but food is not met to satisfy your emotions; it’s meant to give you fuel to think, to grow, and to keep you healthy.

  4. A part of me always questions if obesity is hereditary. I agree that a huge portion, major portion of the obese population is self induced, in that they eat unhealthy foods, and do not exercise regularly. However, I do know several people that are overweight and workout more than anybody I know, and eat extremely healthy, but have a medical condition to where losing weight is very difficult for them.

    It is very sad to see young children be overweight, because of the lack of physical activity, and time spent outside. Kids don't really play outside anymore. They are always connected to some electronic device.

    I feel like drastic changes to diet and lifestyle will never work out when trying to change your lifestyle. Gradual adjustments are the way to go, in my opinion.
