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Friday, April 19, 2013

Scholarly Source On the Topic of Childhood Obesity

Writing a research paper requires the reference of credible sources to be used within the paper in order to add credibility to the paper. Locating scholarly sources can be difficult at times. However, using a school library’s database can assist you in finding them. Using my schools database, I located an article by Lytle on childhood obesity, which is what the research paper I am writing is about. I determined that this document was a scholarly article because of the place where I found it and because throughout the context of this paper, the author made references to original research that had been made on the topic.
Dealing with the childhood obesity epidemic: a public health approach is an article describing childhood obesity and what strategies are presently being used to try to slow the progression of the disease. It explains in detail the primary prevention efforts of this disease. It also raises some questions on the future of childhood obesity and how it will change in the next few years. It presents questions on what problems clinicians and health professionals may face in the future. Overall, this article achieves to present a good rhetorical message about childhood obesity. 

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting topic. Childhood obesity has been an issue in the U.S. for as long as I can remember. Back in elementary school was when I first actually noticed that it was a problem and how my school had to implement changes to address this issue. We couldn't have any type of candy except for chocolate, snacks couldn't be sold at any other time except for lunch, etc. I think it is extremely important to address this issue to create a healthier society.
