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Friday, March 8, 2013

Language Differences

            Language is one very important aspect of being able to interact and build in-depth relationships with people. However, when the language spoken at home differs from the language spoken at school, this may become distressing because two contrasting identities are formed and one has to transition between the two. These different identities are formed because the two different languages do not only consist of letters, words, and sentences. They come with their differing cultures, which consist of different lifestyles, values, morals, and traditions.
            For instance, in my life, Spanish is the language of the home and English is the language of school. For a while, when I was starting to learn English in school, all I wanted to do was practice my English and not speak Spanish at all. However, I kept speaking Spanish because that is the only language my mom understood, and as I got older, I began to realize how useful knowing two languages is and I now feel fortunate to have been able to learn both languages. I proudly speak to my mother, my Mexican family members and other Spanish-speaking people in Spanish. In addition, I proudly speak to my friends, professors, and other people at school in English. 

1 comment:

  1. Bilingualism is a trait that I often finding myself wishing I had. There are lots of times in my life when I feel like the English word for something doesn't really capture the meaning, and I wish I had another way to describe it.
